Knives have always been one of the most important survival tools for us because they are durable, compact, light, relatively inexpensive, and effective for a wide range of tasks. This is why they are...
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Preparing for common natural disasters in your area using some of the basic ideas of; StormStruck -- A Tale of Two Homes. As well as other general disaster preparedness information for helping to...
It goes without saying that survival kits are designed to help you survive for a short amount of time (usually a few days) during a crisis situation, which can include; a natural disaster, economic...
Shelter is absolutely necessary for survival, it doesn't matter what situation you are in! I think we can all agree on that fact, right? Whether you are on a camping trip, outdoor adventure, SHTF...
How the World Breaks: Life in Catastrophe's path, from the Caribbean to Siberia The age of "natural" disasters as we know it may be coming to a close. Where we once saw spontaneous destruction from...
Most of us drive so much on a daily basis without any issues that we often take for granted the reliability and safety of our vehicles. However, the reality is that anything can happen (and often...