Most dogs these days are mainly just companions and spoiled like children as part of the family — as they should be. After all, they are called “mans best friend” for a reason.
However, it’s also important to note that they were first domesticated/bred to serve a certain purpose, and help with daily survival back when life wasn’t so easy. Even today that is how they are used in many parts of the world.
In fact, dogs are happiest when they have a “job” to do — whatever that may be.
So, it stands to reason that having the right dog with you during a grid down SHTF situation is probably a good idea. They can help with so many things such as hunting, protection, companionship, working, and much more.
Dogs can be an excellent early warning system, give you a close quarters fighting advantage, act as a threat deterrent, help with hunting food, do various types of work, provide companionship, etc…
Dogs can dually serve as loved family members as well as help provide survival skills that humans lack. No matter how much we prepare there are certain tasks that people are simply not good at. Our senses and physical abilities are relatively weak compared to dogs or many other animals.
Which Dog is Best for Survival?
As with many things when it comes to survivalism, there is no one-size-fits-all solution here, so finding the best dog breed for survival is largely going to depend on your environment as well as many other factors.
We are going to list what we believe are the top 10 best overall dog breeds for preppers, but a lot of this information will certainly depend upon where you live and/or the type of climate you will be bugging out to in the event of a survival scenario.
For example; If you are in a hot/tropical location it obviously wouldn’t be wise to have a dog breed suited for cold/arctic conditions, and vice versa.
That is just one example. There are many more that could be presented.
So, the best dog for you will be subjective in various ways. However, generally speaking, we have found these breeds to typically be among the best for survival purposes based on many different factors including; protection, hunting, intelligence, ruggedness, size, strength, loyalty, outdoor suitability, etc…
Obviously they are each going to score higher in various areas and lower in others. Each have their strengths and weaknesses, none are perfect for everyone, but these are certainly among the best of the best when it comes to dog breeds for survival.
You will just need to choose the one from the list that you feel is best suited to your particular needs and the most likely survival scenario you may find yourself in.
So, without further ado, let’s get on with it…
Top Ten Best Survival Dogs
Remember, these are in no particular order because it will depend upon your location, specific needs, and many other things. However, you should be able to find the perfect fit for you from this list, no matter what your particular situation is.
Belgian Malinois (or a German Shepherd)

Often times people interchange the Belgian Malinois and the German Shepherd (also known as the Alsatian), or they simply mistake them for one another. They are not the same breed, although they do have many similarities — and lots of differences.
For the purposes of this post, we are going to focus more on the Belgian Malinois because we believe it does have a slight overall advantage compared to the German Shepherd for survival purposes.
Both of them are great dog breeds that are very intelligent, and more than capable for just about anything you might need a working dog to do. These breeds excel in police & military work as well as being very popular for home protection & companionship. All of those things are great for preppers.
However, the Malinois is a bit more suited for active owners with a busy lifestyle, which is going to be the case if you are trying to survive a grid down scenario. No more lounging around watching TV all day, or being away on vacation for weeks at a time.
German Shepherds are able to entertain themselves to an extent, but the Malinois does not cope with being away from its human. Again, this is great for the new world where you don’t have a whole lot of other companions to rely on.
The Belgian Malinois is known to pretty much never stop. He will hike/run for hours and loves to be busy. The breed in general are also consistently top contenders in performance events, including agility, and when you are in the wild you’ll need a dog that is agile & able to perform in all types of conditions.
Finally, Malinois are generally smaller than GSD’s but tend to be much faster and more aggressive — with a quicker attacking speed — and are still more than large enough to bring down a person or most animals. These details can be very important when you are trying to survive the apocalypse.
You can’t really go wrong with either, but we do recommend the Malinois if we are forced to choose between them for true survivalism. They are certainly among the top dog breeds for peppers.

Rottweiler’s are a highly trainable working dog breed of great strength and intelligence. In fact, they are typically considered to be in the realm of the smartest of all dog breeds.
Superb flexibility, adaptability & always eager to work. Very reliable, well-rounded, and able to drop into many different roles or situations making them one of the top dog breeds for survival.
They are descended from the mastiffs of the Roman legions. So they have an ancient history. In modern times, they have excelled as police & military dogs, personal/family protectors, and all-around workers capable of performing a variety of tasks.
Known as a gentle playmate and protector within the family circle, the Rott observes the outside world with a self-assured aloofness, and are considered guardians of the highest caliber.
There’s not a dog breed expert out there who wouldn’t put them in the top 10 best guard dogs on the planet (usually top 5 or even #1).
A well-bred Rottweiler is calm and confident, courageous but not unduly aggressive. Typically not friendly towards strangers, but never timid or fearful. Rottweilers exhibit a “wait-and-see” attitude when confronted with new people and situations.
When these characteristics come together as they should, a Rottweiler is among the best of the best when it comes to natural guard dogs and survivalist breeds.

Large, strong, courageous, devoted, loyal, high level of protection instinct, very trainable (though quite independent), great endurance, amazing in cold weather… the Akita is an excellent breed for a survivalist.
A Japanese dog breed that was bred primarily for guarding people and livestock, there are few dogs that excel as well as the Akita in this regard.
The Akita is also a great hunter with a strong work ethic. They traditionally work in packs on big game such as wild boar, deer, and the menacing Yezo bear.
So, if you are looking for the best hunting and protection dog, Akita’s are one of the rare breeds that possess excellent skills in both categories.
This is a large and intimidating dog that forces predators (human or otherwise) to think twice about messing with you. Furthermore, the Akita is virtually fearless and is almost certainly not going to back down — even when facing a superior foe.
When defending against people, the Akita truly shines. With a naturally protective nature towards its family and an equally wary disposition of strangers, Akita’s are always prepared to defend their pack/family against an intruder.
Long story short, this breed is typically quite loyal with family & friends, but also very territorial about its property. It can be down right nasty with strangers. The Akita is independent and was never meant to live or work in groups like many other dog breeds. These are all very good traits for prepping dogs!
They check so many of the important boxes that make them an absolutely incredible choice for a survival dog that it’s impossible to ignore them as one of the best options.
American Pit Bull Terrier

This is arguably the most versatile dog breed in the world. You would certainly be hard pressed to find one more suited to the demands of a “survival” lifestyle. They can do just about anything & everything, and do most of it quite well.
Obviously they aren’t the best at each and every task. There are plenty of breeds that excel at one or two things in particular. However, the pitbull is incredibly well-rounded for a variety of tasks.
It’s important to note that there are several dog breeds that people often mistake for the American Pitbull Terrier, but they are definitely not correct! So you need to be sure you are getting yours from a reputable breeder that actually knows what they are talking about. It might also be wise to double check with an expert before purchase.
This breed is strong, fast, intelligent, loyal, courageous, and so much more! Pitbulls can be ferocious against other animals and have the ability to defend you against almost any predator, which can be a huge asset in the wild.
They can also run fast, jump high, fight without hesitation, and typically have high pain tolerance compared to other dogs.
The APBT is used as police, military, and service dogs all around the world. This bodes well for any dog you might consider for a life after SHTF, thus making them one of the best dog breeds for off grid living.
Despite contrary belief the American Pitbull Terrier is not naturally human aggressive and therefore don’t make the best guard dogs without significant training.
However, they will typically defend their family if called upon to do so. They are also highly trainable and fiercely loyal, so they can definitely be trained to be a solid guard dog if needed.
The American Pitbull Terrier is also great with kids! If you told the average person that they would probably think you are crazy, but it is true. In fact they were once referred to as the “nanny dog” because of their extraordinary care for kids.
It’s sad that the AMPBT gets a bad rap by the media these days because it is not justified. This is an excellent family dog in addition to being a top pick for survivalism.
I would say the only major negative is that they are a short haired breed so they aren’t going to do well for those of you who might need to survive outdoors for an extended period of time in extremely cold weather climates.
Another thing to consider is that after long enough time in a true grid down scenario, there will be packs of dogs and other wild animals roaming the streets. You will likely have to contend with these at some point.
Pit bulls are very good fighters and will be able to help you fight them off if you are attacked or confronted by these animals. Most of the dog breeds on this list are capable of that to an extent, but few will be as good at it as the APBT.
Overall they are very versatile, healthy, robust, strong, physical, and can be trained for lots of different roles. All of these things are perfect for surviving the apocalypse.
Personally I choose this “jack of all trades” breed as my #1 dog for prepping as I think it has the most overall abilities for the job with very few negatives. I believe it would be the best survival dog for the vast majority of situations. Additionally, this is my favorite dog breed in general.
However, as stated before it isn’t a cold climate breed, so it’s not for everyone or every scenario.
Alaskan Malamute

The Malamute is a large breed of dog originally bred for their strength and endurance. Their initial jobs were to haul heavy freight as a sled dog as well as to hunt seals and polar bears.
Alaskan Malamutes possesses tremendous strength, energy, endurance, and intelligence. They succeed in several dog sports, including; conformation, obedience competition, weight pulling, skijoring, backpacking, and recreational sledding.
This breeds heavy bones, deep chest, powerful shoulders, and weatherproof coat say… “I work hard for a living!”
Their high prey drive can cause a Malamute to stalk and kill small animals such as squirrels, rabbits, cats, and even smaller dogs. This might be a problem in every day “normal” life, but can be a vital asset in a survival situation.
If you live in a very cold weather climate, you should certainly put the Alaskan Malamute on your list of potential prepping dogs!

The Bullmastiff is a huge & powerful breed that is a devoted, alert and fearless guardian as well as a general, all-purpose dog. They are quite formidable and considered among the best guard dogs in the world.
A naturally instinctive guardian breed. Deeply devoted to their family and a loving companion. They are a joy to be around.
Originally the BullMastiff was developed by 19th century gamekeepers to guard estates and ward off poachers. They are a natural guardian of the home and family, and will respond swiftly if their territory is threatened. Bullmastiffs were bred to be silent watchdogs so they do not bark often compared to most other breeds.
Even though they possess all the size, strength, and ability of a top watchdog – they are still a “gentle giant” when it comes to family and loved ones.
The ideal Bullmastiff is confident and without fear, but obedient to their master. Smart and reliable, an independent thinker, but wants to please.
It’s not hard to see why a breed with these characteristics would be a great survival dog!

A tough, bold, and protective breed, the Kangal is loyal and fearlessly protective of their owner(s). They are very trustworthy with known humans or animals, but are menacing towards intruders or strangers.
The Kangal is a very large and powerful dog whose heavy size and proportions have developed naturally as a result of its continued use as a guardian against predators in Turkey (and elsewhere).
Bred with the characteristics to fend off large predators such as wolves, coyotes, bears, etc… Kangals have gained a reputation for being exceptionally fierce and loyal in battles! They can and will defend against predators of all types.
The Kangal Dog is meant to be calm, controlled, independent, powerful and protective. They are typically aloof towards strangers, but a well-socialized Kangal is friendly with visitors, and especially children.
They should never be shy. Nor should they ever be vicious when in a non-threatening situation. A well-trained and socialized Kangal Shepherd Dog is sensitive and alert to changing situations, responding to threats with judicious warnings at first, and then courageous action when necessary.
They make good guardians of property, livestock and humans alike. However, they may not be suitable for inexperienced dog owners as the independent intelligence of the Kangal can make for a difficult breed to control if you aren’t used to dog training.
There’s no doubt that his breed can certainly be intimidating due to their massive, muscular body. Although, despite their size Kangal’s tend to be more agile and athletic compared to other giant breeds, which can make them even more of an asset for a grid down survival situation.
The kangal dog breed has the strength, speed and courage to intercept & confront threats to their family or territory. They are alert, territorial and defensive of the domestic animals or the human family to which it has bonded.
That said, Kangals do prefer to intimidate predators as a first line of defense before taking a physical stand or even attacking when necessary.
They can be vicious and downright dangerous when necessary, and that’s what makes them so good at their jobs. When they’re off-duty, though, you will find that they have a gentle temperament and a predictable personality.
A naturally protective, defensive guardian – not only towards people but also against animals – they are absolutely fearless!
Gentle giants but also ferocious fighters. Amazing physical abilities with incredible power. Very capable, robust & healthy. Highly intelligent and reliable.
This is definitely one the closest breeds that we can think of to “having it all” when it comes to surviving an apocalypse scenario. Therefore, it’s certainly a breed to consider for any type of prepping/survivalism purposes, and they are undoubtedly among the top dogs that can survive in the wild.
Rhodesian Ridgeback

The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a quite unique breed of dog that was developed to hunt lions (as well as bear, boar, and other large animals) and be an all-around home guardian in the Southern Africa region.
These days they are more known as an all-purpose breed than can do just about anything. They can be found competing in various dog sports; including agility, obedience, tracking, lure coursing, and more. He’s also a good hiking or jogging companion.
Due to its history of hunting lions this breed is known for its bravery. However, as a whole, the Ridgeback is typically an affectionate, athletic, dignified, even-tempered dog.
The Rhodesian Ridgeback is arguably as versatile as the Rottweiler or maybe even the Pitbull, though it does not have the same imposing frames as they do. That said, it would not be wise to underestimate this breed just because it looks a bit “softer” than some of the others on this list. Don’t forget it was originally bred for hunting lions and is noted for being one of the most fearless breeds available!
This is a rare breed that can pretty much do everything – to an extent. That makes it one of the best dogs for a prepper without a doubt.
Known as being extremely courageous and highly intelligent. Form very strong bonds with their family members. Thrive in hotter climates, and could certainly contend as the #1 choice if you live in a consistently warm region, but wouldn’t be as good of a choice for cold climates.
I recently heard a very well-known survivalist say that he thinks Ridgebacks are the “perfect prepping dog” and he has two of them himself. So that’s a pretty darn high vote of confidence for them.
Great Pyrenees

The Great Pyrenees was originally developed to guard flocks alongside shepherds. These days he usually works with people, often in therapy and rescue work.
It is a big, immensely strong mountain dog, and are excellent as a homesteading breed for large properties or wilderness areas. They will defend their territory against predators, even large ones such as bears.
Great Pyrenees are steadfast guardians who are usually quite calm. However, when met with a threat, they will quickly jump into action and move with grace and speed.
This is a confident, gentle, loyal, and affectionate breed on a day to day basis. While territorial and protective of its flock or family when necessary, its general demeanor is of composure and patience. It is also strong-willed and independent, so does required proper socialization, training, and an experienced dog owner.
Their lush weatherproof double coat consists of a long, flat, thick, outer coat of coarse hair lying over a dense, fine, woolly undercoat. This makes them excellent for thriving in cold weather conditions!
They are certainly one of the best prepper dogs for those of you living in cold climates and/or expecting to survive in frigid temperatures.
Labrador Retriever

The labrador is probably not a breed you think of when you are preparing for survival. However, there are a LOT of different scenarios/situations that could happen, and this dog does have quite a few positive traits for helping to keep you alive.
For one, they are extremely intelligent and trainable. They are consistently ranked among the top 10 smartest dog breeds by virtually every expert in the world.
Also, they are excellent hunters and companions of the highest regard. Helping you find food and keeping you company may be all you need from your dog when SHTF.
On top of that they are excellent swimmers which could certainly be useful for many reasons.
No, they don’t have the guardian or intimidation factor like many of the other breeds on this list but their intelligence, hunting skills, and overall loyalty make them a great choice for any potential dog owner.
Not all survival situations will need a guardian/protection/fighting type of dog. Some will simply need a friend and hunter. That is where the Labrador excels.
Okay, that concludes the top ten.
You now have a choice to make. There aren’t any dogs that can “do it all” but each and every one above are very capable for the vast majority of needs.
We can’t know your personal situation or your most likely survival scenario, so the final decision is up to you!
Honorable Mentions (The Next 5)
Any one of the following breeds could have easily made the list above, but we had to choose a top 10, so not every dog can make it. Obviously there are even more that could also be great possibilities.
However, we felt that these in particular needed to be mentioned for various reasons. Each of them could be a great alternative for one of the above if you have certain needs, or depending on your location, and so on.
Again, as with the top 10 best survival dogs above, these additional 5 are in NO particular order:
- Dogo Argentino (argentine dogo) – Highly trainable, excellent hunting ability, great guardians, robust utility dog, family oriented.
- Irish Wolfhound – Huge dog breed. Fantastic hunters, very fast and athletic, able to literally take down a wolf (as the name states).
- Cane Corso – Incredibly fearless, one of the most trainable breeds, athletic and loves to work, amazing for homesteading & protection of the property. Can do just about everything and do it quite well. Definitely among the best dogs for wilderness survival.
- Bernese Mountain Dog – A large, strong, sturdy breed with great endurance. Very intelligent and easy to train. Natural watchdogs but also quite friendly. Excellent for cold temperatures.
- Jack Russell Terrier – By far the smallest dog breed in this entire post but that can be an advantage in some cases. These dogs are energetic, sturdy, tough, and fearless. They are also great for hunting small animals.
Final Thoughts
Remember, every dog on this list are first and foremost companions and a part of your family. They should be treated with love & respect, and welcomed as a family member. If you do so, they will be more loyal and loving to you than most people you will ever know.
No dog should ever be used strictly as a tool or worker. Yes, they should be trained, but there is a very high chance that whatever situation you are prepping for will NOT happen in the lifetime of your dog — so they need to be your pet, companion, and family member above anything else!
There’s not many things worse, in my opinion, that an animal abuser or someone who neglects their dog. Don’t get one if you aren’t going to treat them right!
I believe with the right training and love the above dog breeds will be incredibly loyal and a huge asset in any survival situation you might find yourself in.